On their own, water and dogs don’t smell bad. I know this is a strange idea for a thread, and I'm not sure what category it would fit under either. Still have questions? When it rains, mine smell like wet dog. I started my dog on raw diet about 2 weeks ago, I did the slow transition because he’s old and we just adopted him from the SPCA not long ago. Official BYC Poll - New Year New You...Resolution Time. Your nose will tell you if your chicken is getting whiffy, and a sticky or mucus-like feel is a definite sign of spoilage. I've been shopping for a wet, grain-free dog food Marley Jane likes and there have been few. It can carry harmful bacteria that causes food poisoning, serious illness and even death. It'll taste like wet dog if it smells like wet dog. So I switched her to another top brand, not natural. It's hard to tell whether your chicken has gone bad, just by looking. I cook chicken breast at home and then take the leftovers to work. If you want to feed raw chicken in small amounts, there are many advantages: Raw chicken can easily be found for an inexpensive price and is often on sale. What the hell has happened?! I've hoovered and mopped everywhere this morning, went out. To put it simply, no. Spray some febreze on it and you'll be fine. More like wet dog to me . Sometimes a dog’s pee can give off an overbearing, harsh scent reminiscent of ammonia. Rotten chicken usually has a strong odour. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But if you’re not sure about raw food diets, any unseasoned roasted, poached, grilled, or baked chicken can be served on its own, mixed with your dog’s regular meal, or served as a treat. The natural scent of hair should be pleasant, almost sweet. What's your favourite cheese to eat at Christmas? You must log in or register to reply here. It is an overwhelming flavor! What's something that doesn't eat cheesecake? Smell your chicken. Well, me dog loves it and suppose this makes me love it too? This usually happens when I first cook it in liquid, I use lots of vegetables (celery, onion, garlic) and salt. I started to use the “individual chunk , rock like things : (not mention the brand) … but they are White and blue specks with a red ball center, very expensive….. I have never prepared chicken that has a smell to it- is he correct and it can smell(its like an eggy smell-not pleasant at all) or is he talking rubbish- if he is I am going to the enviromental health. Check the colour. I tend to be worried about food that smells weird. My problem of “wet dog smell” in a very new dishwasher ended up being the brand of dishwasher soap !!! We got rid of the smell in our home once we stopped putting any dish or utensil that had touched eggs (raw or cooked) in the dishwasher, ... From the moment that was installed, I have not had my dishes smell like wet dog. It's not a matter of safety, it's a matter of eating it. The smell is the best way to tell if the raw chicken is bad. Ammonia. Raw chicken should be pink, a colour that is safe for consumption. I bought extra lean ground chicken breast on Tuesday. It's not a bad smell, or a strong one, and I like the smell of the chicks. A dermatologist explains why your hair smells really bad, like a wet dog, and how to get rid of this problem. If it has a potent or sour odor, it’s no good. Announcements, Feedback, Issues, & Guides, Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE, Looking for advice with my chicken coop build, Coop & Run - Design, Construction, & Maintenance, The Mandalorian - Overpromised Underdelivered, Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures, Oh Christmas Oh Christmas let me see thee. If you question the freshness of putrid smelling chicken -- better safe than sorry. I asked my mom and dad and they said toss it because chicken isn't suppose to have a smell like that.. throw it away, its not worth taking the risk . I find the smell nasty, but normally both eggs and dogs only have a hint of it and it's not a real problem to me. Date doesn't matter. Get your answers by asking now. There are so many times that chicken or eggs taste like a wet dog smells. Does your hair’s smell remind you of a wet dog? If you notice any grey colouring, stay away from the chicken. I'm just curious to know if everyone's birds smell this way. Learn about the differences between a raw food diet and dry kibble, and which dog food may be best for your furry friend. Chicken is the number one food that causes food poisoning.So it makes sense that people want to know how to tell if chicken is bad. The elder is describing how to detect the white man's presence. Its natural fragrance originates from the sebaceous glands — there’s one of these glands in each hair follicle. But raw chicken for humans raises a huge red flag. and today I defrosted it to make chicken patties.. when I was making them, I noticed it smelled funky.. kind of like a wet dog smell...It wasn't strong though. I walked in and was immediately repulsed, thinking " It Smells Like A Chicken … The chicken and duck smells and looks good! Its a Miele dishwasher and i know thats not the problem because i smell this wet dog smell when i smell my hand-washed dishes.... and even my drinking water that comes out of the filter, it smells like wet dog too... and thats in a new paper cup! Sometimes freezing imparts freezer flavors into meat. Blast from the past, but thanks for the thread, You were right! Chicken is particularly open to harbouring dangerous bacteria, and in a patty you are never going to cook it all the way through unless you nuke it, which will be really nasty to eat. I have had other people taste it and they can't taste what I am tasting. Just because it still has three days left before it's sell by date doesn't mean you're in the clear, the store took it back no questions asked and I got the same-day packaged chicken which had 0 smell in it. Came back a few hours later, the kids said it smells like a farm . Some good news: If you eat chicken that smells a little bit off, you’re most likely going to be OK. Pathogenic bacteria like salmonella, listeria, and E. coli are your biggest risks with raw chicken, and cooking it to a proper 165 degrees Fahrenheit will render those Dogs will certainly eat off meat. Do remember that chicken is not totally odor-free, however it should never seem pungent or very noticeably foul. Mine smell like dirt and like a wet dog when it rains, Mine smell like corn and wood, not a bad smell i must say xD. If your wet dog smells like a wet dog or your cat’s litter box makes your eyes water, you know about pet odors. More on that soon. All the chicken frames go into the freezer, 3 to a pack. They love food that stinks. A phrase coined in "Roots", authored by the Pulitzer award winning novelist Alex Haley. Curiously, sometimes people also smell like that. not in basic terms are off meals led to by using seems and expiry dates yet in addition by using undesirable smells. I just thought they would smell really bad. To me, all dogs smell like raw egg and all raw eggs smell like dog. So, is it the same for your best friend; is raw chicken safe for dogs? How do you think about the answers? How can I make my house smell nice again? Here’s advice … What does mexican food taste like in parts of Mexico where you can't find a single white tourist . Do what your parents said (you should ALWAYS do what your parents tell you, no questions asked - that's why they're parents...). Toss it. Sometimes freezing imparts freezer flavors into meat. I've noticed this before, even when the chicken has been marinated or cooked in sauce. Sorry about the weirdness/randomness of this thread, but I have to know! Are they supposed to smell good or bad? you need to get nutrition poisoning that may deliver approximately loss of life. Some dog parents report the odd smell in their dog’s urine is more like burnt rubber or tires. I got my chicks and two weeks later went to my favorite taco place in town. The strong Sulfur smell was the inside of the whole young chicken going bad. Freshly ground chicken or turkey will have a light pink hue and virtually no smell. It’s a weird smell to be coming from your dog. Raw chicken can also pose a health risk for your dog, and many experts advise that it is best avoided. Try not to sound like an illiterate... :D). If you are wondering why your dog should not eat raw chicken as her primary protein, take a look at this wonderful article by Dogs Naturally Magazine. i know it makes you sad, but I would toss it. The grey colouring is a sign the chicken has gone bad. I usually put it on a salad, and often when I open up the container to eat my lunch it smells almost sulphuric. A Mandinka elder tribesman is warning young tribesmen who have never seen a white man about the slave traders . Drinks with egg whites become smelly after a while, especially if they linger in the glass for too long, but you can fix this. As a non-smoker, I don’t remember ever smelling chicken that smelled like dog. I got my chicks and two weeks later went to my favorite taco place in town. (and it's " I FROZE it," not "I freezed it." So, what do your chicks/chickens smell like? photo 2009 Bukowsky18 | more info (via: Wylio) I had my 5 month old puggle puppy, Daisy, on a ‘natural’ dog food, which she didn’t much like. Do what your parents said (you should ALWAYS do what your parents tell you, no questions asked - … Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I wonder how fresh the meat is on the bones they bury and dig up after a few days. 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Join BYC FREE here to see fewer ads, post questions, upload pics, & more! Like a chicken vegetable soup. You can sign in to vote the answer. So he did fine when we were transitioning, but now we are on almost 100% raw (with exception of treats), he has been passing VERY stinky gas and his poop is extremely stinky. The risk of foodborne illness is simply not worth the risk. If you put chicken on a corelle plate that just came out of the dishwasher (OR hand washed ... it instantly. Thawed chicken may be bloody or watery, and fresh chicken varies widely in color. It smells and talstes like the smell of wet dog. I won't feed my dogs anything that smells a bit off. Or maybe a dog got the chicken meat, and they just put in back on the shelf and marked it down… Or maybe it’s dog meat…;-> Or, seriously, maybe it’s off. I have just taken some chicken breast back to my butchers as there was a smell emanating off it- he claimed all chicken smells like that? Or visit our Learning Center for articles on How To Raise Chickens. I take one pack out every night and it goes straight into the fridge to defrost. Dogs have a distinct musk that’s not unpleasant to those of us who love them, and (clean) water doesn’t smell like much of anything. Date doesn't matter. If it doesn't smell right, always toss it. The pet deodorizing business is really booming. JavaScript is disabled. But the moment I presented her the new food, she needed no coaxing at all, not that ever did any good with foods she didn't like. Unwanted Pet Odors. Wet dog smell can be hard to get out. But the smell—that stinky, wet dog smell—is not quite so pleasant for the majority of pet parents. Apr 12, 2012 115 6 93 Texas. in case you have offered this poultry in the past, and you recognize the way its think to sniff and scents thoroughly different, throw it. 7 Years. It doesn't happen every time, but when it does I cannot eat it. Peeuww ! Not only is smelly poultry unappetizing, it may also put your health at risk if ingested. The culprit is usually the same thing that causes their pee to smell like fish. my chickies smell like cotton and their brooder smells like tacos! Do you prefer meatloaf with gravy or meatloaf with tomato sauce? We just recently got a new dishwasher and can smell this wet dog smell again on all my glass dishes. Choosing a dog food can be tricky. As with many things in life, the smell test is also a helpful tool to gain some insight into whether chicken has gone bad.