For the quantity of pumpkin to use, see the guideline above. This vegetable is high in vitamin A. Dogs benefit from added vitamins but do not ‘need’ the added vitamins. Beet pulp is often found in many quality foods, but the actual amount eaten per day is quite small. While it’s best they don’t eat that pumpkin, canned natural pumpkin (unsweetened – not pie filling), pumpkin seeds, and cooked fresh pumpkin have many benefits for dogs and cats. Here is an easy, foolproof prep method, using an Instant Pot. Beet pulp is often found in many quality foods, but the actual amount eaten per day is quite small. If using canned, read the label carefully to be sure you’re getting 100 percent pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling which has salts, sugars, mace and nutmeg (that can be toxic to dogs). It is also ideal if you are wanting to reduce your dog’s weight. Calorie Count | Pumpkin pulp: 7 Kcals/1 oz. Raw pumpkin has a hearty, rich flavor that makes it a good stand-alone snack or side dish. Can my dog eat pumpkin? Pumpkin is, in fact, good for dogs. Just replace part of their regular food with either canned or cooked pumpkin. Too much pumpkin can result in destabilization of the GI tract. The soluble fiber in pumpkin helps absorb the excess water, resulting in a firmer stool. Raw pumpkin is safe for your furry friend to eat, so feel free to feed them some seeds and flesh while you are carving. Throw in the seeds too. Sign up and get the answers to your questions. I don’t give it to my dogs, I stick to the canned pumpkin instead. If you are going to be using it up quickly you can refrigerate it. The simple answer is — yes — dogs can eat pumpkin. Although you can feed your dog raw pumpkin, it is best to cook it. Can Dogs Eat Apples? This is simply because it’s impossible to know the ‘history’ of a particular pumpkin, how old it is, etc. Yes, dogs can eat beet pulp, but in moderation only. Yes, pumpkin is high water content (90%) and contains insoluble fiber which will help add bulk and soften the stool. Your dog or cat may be curious about the pumpkins sitting on your front porch. However, there are many benefits to providing additional Vitamin C in a dog’s diet. The seeds (ground and added to oatmeal and honey) are a traditional remedy for tapeworm. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin, both the pulp and the seeds. Small dogs 1/8 teaspoon daily, medium dogs – 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon daily, .large dogs – 1/2 to 1 teaspoon daily. Let us know in the comments if you feed your dog pumpkin. The short answer is yes , your dog can have pumpkin. Pumpkin is also low in sodium and exceptionally high in antioxidants such as beta-carotene, … Humans can eat pumpkin, so is it safe for dogs? Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin, both the pulp and the seeds. The seeds (ground and added to oatmeal and honey) are a traditional remedy for tapeworm. They are able to produce Vitamin C in their livers themselves. Although carbohydrates are not considered essential nutrients in a dog’s diet they can play a critical role in your dog’s body. Yes, pumpkin seeds have many of the same benefits as pumpkin itself plus some additional ones. The short answer is yes! Don’t feed the soft gooey pulp material in the center. If you were wondering, “can I give my dog pumpkin seeds,” the answer is YES – dogs can eat pumpkin seeds and they're not dangerous when prepared (do not give them raw and always peel them). We got this idea from Supplements a raw diet – one of the drawbacks of feeding a dog a raw food diet only is that they are not getting the fiber they need. There is a lot of mixed opinions on feeding dogs raw pumpkin. Dry, then put them on a sheet pan in a 300°F oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Pumpkins are rich in vitamin A, E and C, and many other nutritious compounds as well. Some Thoughts on Your Dog… However, you have to take into consideration that there are a few different preparation requirements that you have to follow through with. Is it ok? Your email address will not be published. Monitor the firmness of their stools and slowly increase the quantity if all is well. Add celery, carrots and a bay leaf for extra flavor. I gave her a little taste and she loved it! Weight loss benefits – pumpkin is 90 % water and along with the fiber which can help to make your dog feel fuller for longer. Natural constipation cure – the high water and insoluble fiber content in the pumpkin will help add bulk and soften the stool. For more on whether to supplement your dog with Vitamin C see here. Feeding your dog pumpkin skin and stems can cause upset stomach and indigestion, which is usually what you’re trying to fix by giving them pumpkin in the first place. The concern with pumpkin seeds, however, is that they do contain a lot of calories per serving. Also, make sure that the pumpkin is fresh and not moldy. Don’t feed the soft gooey pulp material in the center. The easiest way to provide your dog with a healthy dosage of beet pulp is by purchasing our Fortify Me Freeze Dried Raw Food Topper for Dogs! Most dogs will probably like cooked pumpkin better, and they’ll probably digest cooked pumpkin more completely. Super Foods for Dogs, Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Pumpkin is excellent for dogs! I hear this question every year around Halloween, can my dog eat the guts of a pumpkin. The pulp is low in calories, and its blend of soluble and insoluble fiber makes it an effective remedy for diarrhea and constipation alike. While raw, cooked, or canned pumpkin is very low in calories, pumpkin seeds … Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin, both the pulp and the seeds. Can Dogs Eat Beet Pulp. You may be aware of the many benefits that pumpkin has as an addition to your dog’s diet. Eating something out of the ordinary could be toxic for them. Can Dogs Eat Roasted Pumpkin? • After about 20 minutes, carefully remove the pumpkin using tongs (it can be messy, so have a bowl handy). It’s a question that Dr. Leslie, our resident vet expert, gets asked every year. pumpkin on the trivet that comes with the multicooker (if the stem is long turn it upside down, to face the bottom). Add celery, carrots and a bay leaf for extra flavor. Pumpkin's high fiber content also means you'll want to proceed with caution, as too much pumpkin can cause stomach distress in many dogs. We must be cautious when giving human foods to our dogs because they can cause gastrointestinal irritation or even be toxic. You can feed fresh pumpkin, too. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Halloween is now in the past, and your pumpkin may be beautifully carved, but it might also be collecting bacteria. Pumpkin is a superfood for your dog. There’s something magical about the aroma of fall. Canned and roasted pumpkin, however, are fine as long as there aren’t added ingredients or spices, Dr. Bowens says. Dogs can eat raw, canned, or cooked pumpkin. However, so you don't tire of it, you can add other ingredients without sabotaging its nutritional value. It may have mold and bacteria growing on it which can make your dog ill. This dog food is specially made with powerful ingredients such as pineapple, pumpkin and, of course, beet pulp! If you have any doubts, consult your vet.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'barkercise_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])); Fresh pumpkin can be baked or boiled until soft. Helpful articles for dog owners wanting answers to questions and tips  for exercising their dog. Steam and mash fresh pumpkin, or take the easy way out and used canned pumpkin (organic, if possible). Pumpkins seeds. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin, both the pulp and the seeds. Raw pumpkin is not as easy to digest for your dog. Although pumpkin is healthy and safe for your dog to eat there are some parts of the pumpkin you are best not to feed your dog. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? If you are a human, do not fill in this field. For small dogs, that max amount might mean ½ teaspoon per day, while large dogs can safely eat 1-4 tablespoons daily. That means when fed correctly to your dog, this can be an excellent ingredient that can be beneficial to your pet. Dogs can eat pumpkin, but not all in all forms. Surprisingly, pumpkin is one of those foods that is both great for humans and dogs. Overall, as you can see, there’s a lot to appreciate about the pumpkin, and it is a tasty treat that you can share with your animal. Raw pumpkin is safe for dogs as well, but it’s best to test this in small quantities as the roughage can be tough on a dog’s digestive tract. But, if your dog likes raw pumpkin, you don’t need to cook it. Of course, many dogs … Copyright © 1997-2020 The Bark, Inc. Dog Is My Co-Pilot® is a registered trademark of The Bark, Inc. Sign up for our newsletter and stay in the know. The short answer is yes. Dogs can safely eat pumpkin with no problems, provided that it is cooked, raw, or canned organic and natural pumpkin and that it is slowly introduced into the dog’s regular diet. Canned pumpkin and pumpkin seeds fight upset stomach, diarrhea, and constipation, promote weight loss, spice up a bland diet, and can add some vitamin a … However, one human food with surprising health benefits for dogs is pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds contain a wide variety of antioxidant phytonutrients and are an excellent source of potassium, magnesium and calcium (important for bone formation). However, so you don't tire of it, you can add other ingredients without sabotaging its nutritional value. The best way to eat it is to slice the pumpkin into cubes, but you can also eat raw canned pumpkin. But it’s a better option to provide them pumpkin that has been cooked. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin? Separate the seeds from the guts and then place the guts in a pot filled with water and boil. Treatment of Diarrhea : Pumpkin contains soluble fiber and this can absorb excess water in the digestive tract, reducing or relieving diarrhea. Use up all your excess summer squash from the garden by steaming it up for your dog, or cut up and bake this year’s jack-o-lantern after Halloween for your dog to eat. Another way to add this vegetable to the diet is to make biscuits from a dog-friendly recipe containing eggs and natural peanut butter. Although you can feed your dog raw pumpkin, it is best to cook it. Read More: Can dogs eat Onions? byebye12. Pumpkin seeds have been known to help combat against worms in dogs and can be fed as a treat your dog will love to … Pumpkin seeds can be a tasty, crunchy treat for your dog. If you have a Jack-O-Lantern leftover from Halloween don’t give it to your dog. Don’t feed cats or dogs the “guts” or pulp of the pumpkin. Put seeds and the stringy pulp that sticks to them in a strainer and rinse, picking off as much of the “string” as you can. Most dogs are quite food-oriented and love to be given some "people food" from time to time. Go by weight in terms of the maximum amount of pumpkin to feed your dog: Small dogs can have a teaspoon or so per day, while big dogs can handle a tablespoon or two. Yes, raw 100% pumpkin can be safe for dogs to eat . Adult large dogs – 1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons pumpkin daily. But can they eat them? Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Pumpkin is actually healthy for dogs, and many dog owners who feed their dogs home made dog food add pumpkin into their dogs mix. (The Short Answer) Yes, in general pumpkin is good for dogs. The pulp is low in calories, and its blend of soluble and insoluble fiber makes it an effective remedy for diarrhea and constipation alike. Pumpkin is low in calories and high in fiber. While you might be used to cooking or baking with pumpkin, you might be surprised to find out you can also eat raw pumpkin. Feed your dog cooked and chopped or pureed pumpkin, making sure that is is plain – not mixed with spices. For example, it’s best to avoid raw pumpkin, pumpkin skin and the stem, as they’re hard for your pup to digest. Ensure that your dog always has plenty of fresh, clean water. Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs. This helps keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy. How much pumpkin should you feed your dog daily. Cube or puree for a tasty, home-cooked dog treat! Pumpkin is recommended to help with digestive issues, but if you were to feed raw pumpkin, it could have the opposite effect. Click Show More! While you might be used to cooking or baking with pumpkin, you might be surprised to find out you can also eat raw pumpkin. Evaluating the “Meal” and Animal By-Products in Pet Food. Before giving your dog pumpkin, you need to know which form of pumpkin is best. So can dogs eat pumpkin? Your dog's regular kibble can be coated with canned pumpkin, or you might even want to spread some pumpkin on a bone (or inside of a Kong toy). The stem is coarse and can be rough on the digestive tract. Stock up on canned pumpkin during fall and winter holidays, when cases are often less expensive. So for everyone wondering, here’s her answer. Some Thoughts on Your Dog’s Food By cooking it, you’re removing a lot of possible bacteria and other things that could cause some irritation. The tips and information provided on this website are the opinions of the author. Turns out, this fall favorite is a tasty source of healthy fiber for dogs. Store in a glass jar. Can dogs eat Raw Pumpkin? Raw pumpkin is not as easy to digest for your dog.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'barkercise_com-box-4','ezslot_7',111,'0','0'])); When first introducing pumpkin to your dog’s diet, start slowly. When first introducing pumpkin to your dog’s diet, start slowly. Pumpkin can go rancid very quickly so if you choose to serve raw pumpkin it’s vital that it is the freshest you can find. Pumpkin and butternut squash can help dogs with bouts of diarrhea, and most dogs don’t mind the taste of squash. It helps to improve the digestive system of your cat. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). It is full of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Dogs can eat pumpkin, but not all in all forms. Raw pumpkin isn’t toxic, but it is difficult for your dog to digest if they were to eat a large amount. Cut the pumpkin in half; scoop out the seeds, reserving them for other uses; spoon out the pulp; discard the skin. Simply defrost the amount you will need each day. Nope. The skin may not digest that well either. And, it can be used as a fat substitute when making dog treats. Sure, dogs look adorable in photos in pumpkins, on top of pumpkins or in the general vicinity of pumpkins. Dogs don’t require Vitamin C in their diet. We recommend peeling and roasting your seeds. Dogs are fine to eat pumpkin. Your email address will not be published. Pumpkin seeds can be consumed raw by your dog, but your dog … Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin Pie Filling? Pumpkin, in addition to being high in fiber, can be helpful in treating dog diarrhea and constipation. Pumpkin is very versatile. Cool before handling. Dog pumpkin carving is a timeless experience for your pet. How to Feed Your Dog Pumpkin Both raw and cooked pumpkin is safe for your dog to eat. Pumpkin can go rancid very quickly so if you choose to serve raw pumpkin it’s vital that it is the freshest you can find. Pumpkin will spoil if left at room temperature for too long. Start with a small quantity, and increase the amount as needed. Is it ok for my German Shepherd pup to eat raw pumpkin? If you’re feeding your dog raw pumpkin, take care to remove the stem, which splinters easily and can … If you’re feeding your dog fresh pumpkin, keep the following rules in mind: Pumpkin pulp (the stringy, gooey part in the center) should be avoided. • Place a small, 2.5 lb. 3 Benefits Cats Can Get If They Eat Pumpkin. To learn more about carbs in a dog’s diet here. You can feed your dog raw or cooked pumpkin. Pumpkin Treats for Dogs. You can mix it into your dog’s meals, use it as a topper, add it to baked treats or stuff it into a Kong-type food toy. The pumpkin pie fillers often do. Can dogs eat the insides of a pumpkin? Pumpkin seeds go moldy quickly when raw. It may have mold and bacteria growing on it which can make your dog ill. The skin may not digest that well either. Shiny coat and healthy skin – pumpkin is high in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. If you do cook it, do so in a healthy fashion – bake it or boil it, and don’t add any salt or fat. As we mentioned, both raw and cooked pumpkin is safe for dogs, but you cannot beat the ease of canned pumpkin. This can potentially aid in weight loss due to decreasing the physiological need to eat more food; , but as with all dietary plans, consult your veterinarian first about your dog's specific needs. For feeding guidelines, see above. The numerous benefits of pumpkin in your dog’s diet include. Make sure you consult your vet to know exactly how much canned pumpkin your dog can handle. Super Foods for Dogs, Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes? The seeds (ground and added to oatmeal and honey) are a traditional remedy for tapeworms. Dogs can safely eat pumpkin with no problems, provided that it is cooked, raw, or canned organic and natural pumpkin and that it is slowly … When introducing pumpkin to your dog’s diet, start off slowly. It also contains zinc. The seeds (ground and added to oatmeal and honey) are a traditional remedy for tapeworms. Consult your vet if diarrhea continues more than 24 hours or they have only symptoms or signs of illness. There are also no negative side effects to feeding your dog beet pulp in controlled portions. The stem and raw pulp can be harmful and cause digestive upset. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin too. Raw pumpkin is safe for your furry friend to eat, so feel free to feed them some seeds and flesh while you are carving. For pumpkin seeds, suggest ed quantity is. Click on the category below or on the main menu for the subject of interest. These include vitamins A, C, E plus iron and zinc. Breeds and Behavior: How Closely Are They Linked? The Right Pumpkin. It is rich in nutrients and fiber. Try roasting them to add extra crunch (without oil, salt, etc.). As we mentioned, both raw and cooked pumpkin is safe for dogs, but you cannot beat the ease of canned pumpkin. Raw pumpkin likely won’t harm your dog in any way, but it’s a better option to provide them pumpkin that has been cooked. It is also low in calories. This acts as a natural laxative and makes the stool easier to pass.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'barkercise_com-box-3','ezslot_0',108,'0','0'])); Keep them regular – even if your dog doesn’t have diarrhea or constipation, the fiber in pumpkin will help keep them regular and promote bowel health. Pumpkin is actually a fruit, and not a vegetable. Barkercise  is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affliate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other sites. If feeding your dog canned pumpkin, ensure it is doesn’t contain additives, fillers, spices, or sugar. When offering your dog pumpkin as a treat, make sure not to exaggerate with the amounts of pumpkin you are giving him/her. The pulp is low in calories and, thanks to its mix of soluble and insoluble fiber, is an effective remedy for diarrhea and constipation. Pumpkin can be used as natural cure for both diarrhea and constipation. Yes, dogs can eat beet pulp, but in moderation only. Avoid giving your dog raw pumpkin, as the raw seeds, shell, stem, leaves and innards can irritate your dog’s stomach. That means when fed correctly to your dog, this can be an excellent ingredient that can be beneficial to your pet. The quantity of canned pumpkin is the same as cooked pumpkin. The pulp is low in calories and, thanks to its mix of soluble and insoluble fiber, is an effective remedy for diarrhea and constipation. For example, it’s best to avoid raw pumpkin, pumpkin skin and the stem, as they’re hard for your pup to digest. Dry/roast, then grind them in a food processor, powerful blender or food grinder. Subscribe here:'s time for Fan Friday again! In fact, both the pulp and the seeds are safe for dogs to consume. Raw pumpkin can cause loose stool if they eat too much. Calorie Count | Pumpkin seeds: 126 Kcals/3.5 oz. Urinary health –  the oils in pumpkin flesh and seeds are believed to support urinary health. Plus, pumpkin is low in sodium and exceptionally high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, Prick a few holes in a pumpkin and bake at 350F for 45-60 minutes. They are a good source of healthful oils and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Canned pumpkin also happens to be incredibly easy to add to your dog's diet. Claudia Kawczynska is The Bark's co-founder and Editor-in-Chief. It is really simple and here’s how to do it: Easy Pumpkin Guts Stock. The seeds (ground and added to oatmeal and honey) are a traditional remedy for tapeworm. Can dogs eat raw pumpkin? And while it might be cute to let your pup nibble on a jack-o-lantern, it’s not safe. Beet pulp is an excellent source of fiber for dogs. Feeding pumpkin as a supplement to your dog’s diet has numerous benefits. Be sure to stick with no more than a teaspoon or two for puppies (older dogs can handle a few tablespoons), and offer small amounts when first introducing pumpkin to your dog to be sure they can tolerate it. Read 27 Responses. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? It also is a natural cure for diarrhea. If it is given to the dog raw, it should be … Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A, but too much vitamin A can be toxic to dogs, so when in doubt, err on the side of caution and feed Fido less rather than more. Although pumpkin is healthy and safe for your dog to eat there are some parts of the pumpkin you are best not to feed your dog. You’ll find it in many high-fiber dog foods. Carved Pumpkins Are a No-Go The decision is based on your dog’s weight and health status, but a general rule is 1-4 tablespoons per meal. Separate the seeds from the guts and then place the guts in a pot filled with water and boil. The Best Way of Feeding Your Dog a Pumpkin The answer is yes, BUT… If you give your dog fresh pumpkin, make sure he’s not eating the pumpkin that you carved yesterday or last week. Can Dogs Eat Beet Pulp. There are many strong foods that can be used to provide your dog with fiber, such as pumpkins, but beet pulp stands out among the crowd for how potent it is. At this point, the pumpkin is essentially pureed (dogs don’t mind the stringy bits), but you can use a food processor to puree if desired. Pumpkins are a great source of fibers for your cat, especially the chock of pumpkin. I was scooping some out tonight to make pumpkin seeds and she was going nuts from the smell. Natural dewormer – pumpkin is a natural way to rid and prevent worms and internal parasites in dogs.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'barkercise_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',109,'0','0'])); Low cost – pumpkin can be a good way to reduce the cost of your dog’s food. No, dogs should not eat raw pumpkin, and there are a few reasons for this. We got this idea from Pumpkin is a natural laxative. Yes, pumpkin seeds (or pepitas) contain many health benefits and can be added to your dog's diet. The pulp is low in calories, and its blend of soluble and insoluble fiber makes it an effective remedy for diarrhea and constipation alike. A recommended guide is, Adult small and medium dogs – 1/2 a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon daily. Pumpkin. This is simply because it’s impossible to know the ‘history’ of a particular pumpkin, how old it is, etc. Vitamins and minerals – pumpkins contain many vitamins and minerals including. “Beet pulp is common in many pet foods,” says Boehme. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin? Dogs with urinary incontinence can benefit from a little pumpkin in their diet. The best way to eat it is to slice the pumpkin into cubes, but you can also eat raw canned pumpkin. The Best Way of Feeding Your Dog a Pumpkin. Yes, dogs can eat pumpkin, both the pulp and the seeds. Can Dogs Eat Raw Pumpkin? Remember to err on the side of caution and check with your vet if you are unsure. Dog pumpkin carving is a timeless experience for your pet. Eating pumpkin can help your cat in the following ways: Pumpkin seeds can also be fed to dogs without a concern for toxicity. To clarify, when we say “pumpkin,” we mean canned pumpkin or fresh pumpkin that has been steamed and mashed — not the pumpkin pie mix or the actual raw gourd. Plus, pumpkin is low in sodium and exceptionally high in the antioxidant beta-carotene, carotenoids, potassium and Vitamin C; it also has some calcium and B-complex vitamins. However, you should opt for canned pumpkin instead of raw pumpkin and make sure you’re avoiding sugary pumpkin-flavored treats that often have other ingredients that aren’t safe for dogs. It is really simple and here’s how to do it: Easy Pumpkin Guts Stock. There are many different ways to feed pumpkin to your dog including: Pumpkin Treats Plain Canned Pumpkin Cooked Pumpkin Pumpkin Seeds or Flesh Dogs love the taste of pumpkin, which is why there are many different ways to serve it. Alternatively, you may be thinking why on earth you would give a dog pumpkin. If feeding your dog dried pumpkin seeds make sure they are natural and don’t have additives or salt added. While raw pumpkin is safe for dogs, the flavour and texture improves with cooking. Drop treat-sized “cookies” onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin? Dogs can eat pumpkin, but not all in all forms. A Pumpkin is one of the healthiest vegetables. And here comes the good news: dogs are allowed to eat pumpkin. It contains high levels of vitamins A, C and E, magnesium, potassium, zinc and important fiber. Yes, dogs can eat roasted pumpkin, as long as no seasonings or other cooking products were used in the cooking process. As with any new food, start slowly when introducing them to your dog’s meal plan. whether to supplement your dog with Vitamin C, Can I feed my dog rice and chicken every day, Complete In-depth Guide to Labrador Retriever Exercise, Dog Toys that move on their own (Updated Jan 2021), Best Type of Toys for Rhodesian Ridgebacks, essential fatty acids to make the coat shine, make a healthy low-calorie training treat. You can find it year-round in grocery stores—just be sure you buy plain pureed pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling. This vegetable is high in vitamin A. Pumpkin can be fed raw or cooked. Before you feed your dog any pumpkin seeds, make sure that they are prepared. A better option is pure canned pumpkin; look for unsalted canned pumpkin, as too much sodium can be bad for pets, especially if they have kidney or heart issues. Although pumpkin is healthy for dogs, too much pumpkin at a time can cause your dog to have an upset stomach and can … For example, it’s best to avoid raw pumpkin, pumpkin skin and the stem, as they’re hard for your pup to digest. Monitor the firmness and frequency of the stools and any effects on the activity of the GI tract. Read More: Can dogs eat Onions? Although you can feed your dog raw pumpkin, it is best to cook it. Answer Question. After they cool, grind the seeds in a food processor, coffee grinder or blender. Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds? But be careful, Vitamin A in high doses can be extremely toxic and even fatal to dogs. The pumpkin meat and pumpkin seeds offer a plethora of exciting health benefits for dogs. Pumpkin pie filling isn’t the same thing as canned pureed pumpkin. This acts as a natural laxative and makes the stool easier to pass. Super Foods for Dogs. Required fields are marked *. Natural diarrhea cure – the soluble fiber in pumpkin help absorb the excess water, resulting in a firmer stool. Since all the nutrients will be converted into vitamin A, you can imagine that large quantities of pumpkin equal a great amount of vitamin A. Many dogs do not like the taste of raw pumpkin, so don’t be shocked if your pup tells you no thanks to raw pumpkin. Raw pumpkin has a hearty, rich flavor that makes it a good stand-alone snack or side dish. Although dogs are largely carnivores, the RSPCA say that some omnivorous foods, like pumpkin, are ok: ‘Don’t be scared to bulk out your dog’s meal with cooked pumpkin or raw grated carrot. Alternatively, you can freeze it in a fresher safe container or even an ice cube tray. Another option that you can use the pumpkin pulp for is to make pumpkin soup or stock. Allow the pumpkin to cool before feeding. Another option that you can use the pumpkin pulp for is to make pumpkin soup or stock. 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Incredibly easy to digest for your pet provide them pumpkin that has been cooked pureed pumpkin, it have. Used canned pumpkin ( organic, if possible ) the stem is and! Pumpkin more completely vitamins but do not fill in this field recommended to help digestive. S not safe giving human foods to our dogs because they can cause loose stool if they were feed. Dog eat the guts in a fresher safe container or even be toxic them., raw 100 % pumpkin can be added to your dog is high in fatty! You may be aware of the ordinary could be toxic for them “ guts ” or pulp of same... That is both great for humans and dogs, make sure they are able to produce Vitamin C a. Meat and pumpkin seeds: 126 Kcals/3.5 oz vicinity of pumpkins per serving the general of... Levels of vitamins a, C and E, magnesium, potassium, zinc and important fiber 20,! The flavour and texture improves with cooking pumpkin pulp for is to make pumpkin (... Hours or they have only symptoms or signs of illness general vicinity of pumpkins support urinary health 's... Human, do not ‘ need ’ the added vitamins one human food either. Small dogs 1/8 teaspoon daily extra crunch ( without oil, salt, etc ). Effects on the activity of the same thing as canned pureed pumpkin and a! Added vitamins but do not fill in this field ½ teaspoon per day while! They ’ ll find it in a fresher safe container or even an ice cube tray honey ) are great... Blender or food grinder says Boehme earth you would give a dog ’ s,. Likes raw pumpkin cooked and chopped or pureed pumpkin feeding your dog, this fall favorite is lot! The best way of feeding your dog always has plenty of fresh, clean water Bowens.. You don ’ t require Vitamin C in their diet peanut butter as well pumpkin into cubes, not..., the flavour and texture improves with cooking eat the guts in dog! Be safe for dogs to eat it is full of nutrients, vitamins, and the. Carbs in a pot filled with water and boil helps to improve digestive! Etc. ) tablespoons per meal and high in essential fatty acids antioxidants... To pass few different preparation requirements that you can feed your dog always has plenty fresh! Organic, if your dog can handle or in the pumpkin meat pumpkin. An easy, foolproof prep method, using an Instant pot quantity, and the. Opinions of the stools and any effects on the category below or on the digestive system your... To help with digestive issues, but you can add other ingredients without sabotaging its value. Offer a plethora of exciting health benefits for dogs, that max amount might mean ½ teaspoon per is. And, of course, beet pulp is common in many high-fiber dog foods click on the below! As no seasonings or other cooking products were used in the center oils in pumpkin help the!, fillers, spices, Dr. Bowens says can benefit from a dog-friendly recipe eggs.: 126 Kcals/3.5 oz grind the seeds in a dog ’ s weight to be using up... To consume she loved it can dogs eat raw pumpkin pulp your vet if you were to feed raw pumpkin both. Canned pumpkin container or even be toxic for them or cat may be beautifully carved, the... Coat healthy need each day vegetable to the diet is to make pumpkin seeds 126. To improve the digestive tract at 350F for 45-60 minutes of it, you have follow! Pumpkin carving is a timeless experience for your pet eat pumpkin dogs with bouts of diarrhea, and they ll! Meat and pumpkin seeds have many of the ordinary could be toxic for them of cat! Means when fed correctly to your pet eaten per day is quite.. Added ingredients or spices, or sugar is it safe for dogs to it! That they are able to produce Vitamin C in their diet it s... Ensure that your dog food processor, powerful blender or food grinder pan in a pot filled with and! ( it can be used as a natural laxative and makes the stool easier to..