What is Kohlrabi? water for soaking, 4 cod fillets, each weighing approx. �. More information Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Translation for 'kohlrabi' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. kohlrabi in American English. Learn more. Easily find the right translation for Kohlrabi from English to Afrikaans submitted and enhanced by our users. Lettuce (Revision), Melon (Revision), and Rosemary. ; Record yourself saying 'kohlrabi' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.You'll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. (variety of cabbage) cavolo rapa nm sostantivo maschile : Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile: medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore The name translates from German as ‘turnip cabbage’ and the mild, sweet flavour is somewhere between a turnip and a water chestnut, with a crisp, crunchy texture. More translations in the English-Chinese dictionary. Example sentences: ^ Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Kohlrabi. Dates", this is the first of a series of creations by star chef Ralf Zacherl. Salate u. Peel 500g of kohlrabi, cut into small pieces, add to the pan, add 20g of butter of DMZ, and stew under the lid to the state of readiness. Learn the translation for ‘kohlrabi’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. farmed area, as long as it is a different variety (parallel production = surveillance problems). Break 'kohlrabi' down into sounds: [KOHL] + [RAA] + [BEE] - say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Kohlrabi ": examples and translations in context. Copyright © IDM 2020, unless otherwise noted. that the intrinsic flavor is boosted considerably by the vacuum cooking and that this may lead to an overpowering flavor with certain varieties of vegetables. add the vegetable stock and the curry powder. Thank you! KOHLRABI in English. in annex I of Regulation ( EC ) No 396 / 2005. www.q-s.de Ananas, Artischocke, Blumenkohl, Broccoli, Brunnenkresse, Champignon, Chicoree, Chinakohl,Dattel, Endivie, Erbse, Erdbirne, Grapefruit, Gr�nkohl, Ingwer, Petersilienwurzel, Pfifferling, Porree, Radieschen, Rhabarber, Rosenkohl, Rote Bete, Rotkohl, R�be, Spitzkohl, Spargel, Spinat, Steckr�be, Stielsellerie, S��kartoffel, Tangerine, Taro, Traube, Wei�kohl, Zitrone, Zwiebel, Pineapple, artichoke, cauliflower, broccoli, watercress, mushroom, chicory, Chinese cabbage, date, endive, pea, Jerusalem artichoke, grapefruit, curly, parsley root, chanterelle, leek, radish, rhubarb, Brussels sprout, beetroot, red cabbage, turnip, green cabbage, asparagus, spinach, rutabaga, celery, sweet potato, tangerine, taro, grape, white cabbage, lemon, onion, DORNOW-Rollensch�lmaschinen oder anderen DORNOW-Sch�lmaschinen sch�len, wie z.B. How to say Kohlrabi in English? terfloth-stiftung.de. More: English to English … Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. kohlrabi definition: 1. a type of vegetable that is a member of the cabbage family. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … kohlrabies) a cabbage of a variety with an edible turnip-like swollen stem. It can be found in two colours, pale green and the less-common purple. the turnip cabbage; the kohlrabi; the swede. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. How to say kohlrabi in Spanish - Translation of kohlrabi to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. turnip cabbage [the ~] noun. 10 or 12 peeling rollers, each coated with carborundum, and a transport auger which moves the product to be peeled equally through the machine. white turnips (section A-1.26 - turnip peeling machines), parsnips (section A.-1.27 - parsnip peeling machines), celeriac (section A.-1.62 - celeriac peeling machines) etc. Fancy a game? the kohlrabi. 150 ml Gem�sebr�he, 2 Knoblauchzehen, zerdr�ckt, einige B�rlauchstengel, geputzt und gewaschen, 2 M�hren, in Scheiben, 200 g, 200 g Pilze, in Scheiben, 100 g Creme Fraiche, Salz, Pfeffer, nach Wunsch etwas Sherry, etwas frischer B�rlauch, 150 ml vegetable stock, 2 cloves of garlic, crushed, A few stems of wild garlic, cleaned and washed, 2 carrots, sliced, 200 g. artichoke hearts, quartered, 200 g mushrooms, sliced, 100 g cr�me fra�che, Salt, pepper, A splash of sherry, if desired, A little fresh wild garlic, sofern es sich um eine andere Sorte handelt. Ampfer , Chicor�e,; Nachtschattenpflanzen - Tomaten, Kartoffeln, Paprika; Wurzelgruppe - M�hre, Petersilie, Sellerie, Runkelr�be; Wasserr�benpflanzen - Radieschen, Wasserr�be; K�rbispflanzen - Gurken, K�rbis, Melone; H�lsenfr�chte - Bohnen, Erbsen, Saubohnen, Sojabohnen; Gew�rzpflanzen - Dill, Majoran. da durch das Vakuumgaren der Eigengeschmack deutlich verst�rkt wird und dieses bei verschiedenen Gem�sen gegebenenfalls zu einem ��bergeschmack� f�hren kann. (koʊlˈrɑbi ) noun Word forms: plural kohlˈrabies. English Pronunciation of Kohlrabi. Instead, it … kohlrabi: kohlrabi [the ~] noun. How to say Kohlrabi in Afrikaans. Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country. See 2 authoritative translations of Kohlrabi in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. kohlrabi Declension Kohlrabi is a masculine noun. If the kohlrabi is marketed with leaves, starting from 1st January 2017 the leaves have to be analyzed individually. consists of loose leaves, and cauliflower has the typical closed shape of a head of cabbage. Vom Kohlrabi das Grün abschneiden, waschen und kleinschneiden. kohlrabi n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. In Polen wird am h�ufigsten die Einteilung angenommen, die sowohl den Nutzungsbestand als auch die biologische Verwandschaft ber�cksichtigt , also das Gem�se wird in folgende Gruppen eingeteilt: Zwiebelgruppe -. The permitted maximum residue lev-els for kohlrabi leaves then are regulated under Leaves and sprouts of Brassi-ca spp. besteht aus losen Blättern und Blumenkohl besitzt die typische geschlossene Kohlkopfform. In Poland, the division of vegetables into specific groups is usually based on usage type as well as biological relationships. chopped almonds 4 tsp. Blumenkohl, Winterblumenkohl, Rosenkohl, Rotkohl, Weisskohl, Spitzkabis, Wirsing, Broccoli, Chinakohl, (excl. Der Rollensch�ler CRP eignet sich zum kontinuierlichen Sch�len. Most frequent English dictionary requests: This is not a good example for the translation above. DORNOW - roller peeling machines or other DORNOW - roller peelers, as with, for example. Tritarlo e mettere nella pentola, aggiungere 20 g di burro DMZ, coprire e cuocere fino a cottura. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, Gruppen und Beispiele von Einzelerzeugnissen, f�r die die Hoechstgehalte an R�ckst�nden gelten R�ckst�nde von Sch�dlingsbek�mpfungsmitteln und Hoechstgehalt an R�ckst�nden (in mg/kg) Heptachlor (Summe aus Heptachlor und Heptachlorepoxid) Maleins�urehydrazid Methylbromid Paraquat iii) FRUCHTGEM�SE 0,01* 1* 0,05* 0,05* Solanacea Tomaten Paprika Auberginen Sonstige Cucurbitace� mit genie�barer Schale Gurken Einlegegurken Zucchini Sonstige Cucurbitace� mit ungenie�barer Schale Melonen K�rbisse Wassermelonen Sonstige Zuckermaisiv) KOHLGEM�SE 0,01* 1* 0,05* 0,05* Blumenkohle Brokkoli Blumenkohl Sonstige Kopfkohle Rosenkohl. Looking something like a Sputnik in vegetable form, with a squat bulb and antennae-like shoots, kohlrabi is part of the cabbage family. Wer die Beikost selbst zubereiten m�chte, kann dazu auch �kologisch erzeugte. Despite its name, kohlrabi is not a root vegetable and does not belong to the turnip family. Definition of kohlrabi in English English dictionary A cultivar of the cabbage, Brassica oleracea, having a turnip-shaped edible stem Also called the "cabbage turnip," this vegetable is a member of the cabbage family Popular in Europe, the kohlrabi bulb tastes like a sweet turnip Eaten steamed, in soups, and in … It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Kohl•ra•bi m , - (s), - kohlrabi. (Parallelproduktion = Kontrollproblematik). Detailed Synonyms for kohlrabi in English. R�ben (Rubrik A.-1.26 - R�ben-Sch�lmaschinen), Pastinaken (Rubrik A.-1.27 - Pastinaken-Sch�lmaschinen), Sellerie-Knollen (Rubrik A.-1.62 - Sellerie-Sch�lmaschinen)� etc. kohlrabi |kəʊlˈrɑːbi| noun (pl. It has a pale green, thick, round…. auch wei�e. Dann die Gem�sebr�he und das Currypulver zugeben. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. n. 1. plant cultivated for its enlarged fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem [syn: brassica oleracea gongylodes] 2. fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem of the kohlrabi plant [syn: turnip cabbage] Dictionary source: hEnglish - advanced version. besteht aus losen Bl�ttern und Blumenkohl besitzt die typische geschlossene Kohlkopfform. swede [the ~] noun. kohlrabi [the ~] noun. Ferner beabsichtigte sie, die Arbeitspapiere f�r die Pr�fungsrichtlinien f�r. (Revision); Rosmarin; Salat (Revision) und Schnittlauch zu er�rtern. gongylodes) of the crucifer family, similar to cabbage: the edible part is a bulbous portion of the stem just above the ground. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Translation German - English Collins Dictionary. F or example, kohlrabi is a firm nodul e, kale. Lebensmittel verwenden und Gem�se wie Spinat, Those who wish to prepare baby food themselves should be sure to use organically grown. Definition of kohlrabi. Thank you! Kohlrabi, also known as German turnip, is a cruciferous vegetable. Did you know? Translate Kohlrabi. English-German translation for: Kohlrabi ... English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. und Magnesium und wenig Oxalat und Phosphat. : a cabbage (Brassica oleracea gongylodes) having a greatly enlarged, fleshy, turnip-shaped edible stem also : its stem used as a vegetable. That's why vegetables are usually divided into the following groups: Bulbous -. See more. Sesam�l, 2 EL Sesamsaat, Salz, 8 gro�e runde Reispapierbl�tter, Brita-Wasser, zum Einweichen, 4 Kabeljaufilets � etwa 100 g, Saft von 1 Bio-Zitrone, frisch gemahlener Pfeffer, 1 Eiwei�, 2 EL Mehl,� 3 EL Zucker, 6 EL Sojaso�e, 5 EL Sonnenblumenkern�l zum Braten, dazu passt�Basmatireis, oil, 2 dsp sesame seeds, salt, 8 large round sheets of rice paper, Brita. mit 10 oder 12 Sch�lrollen auf denen Karborund angebracht ist und einer F�rderschnecke, die das zu sch�lende Produkt gleichm�ssig durch die Maschine transportiert. thickly sliced 400g cauliflower, cleaned and cut into sprouts 2 green onions, cleaned and thickly sliced 2 tsp. Trim the green from the kohlrabi, … 100 g, juice of 1 organic lemon, freshly ground pepper, 1 egg white, 2 dsp flour, 3 dsp sugar, 6 dsp soy sauce, 5 dsp sunflower seed oil for frying. terfloth-stiftung.de. Kohlrabi definition, a cultivated cabbage, Brassica oleracea gongylodes, of the mustard family, whose stem above ground swells into an edible, bulblike formation. the kohlrabi – fleshy turnip-shaped edible stem of the kohlrabi plant 1. Sbucciare 500 g di cavolo rapa . kohlrabi. Mangold Brunnenkresse Chicor�e Kr�uter Kerbel Schnittlauch Petersilie Selleriebl�tter Sonstige * Untere Grenze der analytischen Bestimmung. olive oil 100 ml whipping cream 200ml vegetable broth Sea salt, grounded pepper Lemon juice 2 tsp. Why not have a go at them together. Here are 4 tips that should help you perfect your pronunciation of 'kohlrabi':. products and certain vegetables like spinach, Datteln": Mit dieser Kreation von Kochk�nig Ralf Zacherl startet. Many translated example sentences containing "kohlrabi" – Greek-English dictionary and search engine for Greek translations. Pronunciation of Kohlrabi with 1 audio pronunciation, 6 synonyms, 2 meanings, 8 translations and more for Kohlrabi. Part of the German-English dictionary contains translations of the TU Chemnitz & Wortschatz Uni Leipzig. geschnitten 400g Blumenkohl, gewaschen und in R�schen geschnitten 2 Schalotten, gesch�lt und gew�rfelt 2 EL gehackte Mandeln 4 EL Oliven�l 100 ml Schlagsahne 200ml Gem�sebr�he Salz, Pfeffer aus der M�hle Zitronensaft 2 EL LEBEPUR Gem�se-Mix Evtl. chilled before vacuum cooking, on account of the fact. cauliflower, winter cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, red, cabbage, white cabbage, pointed cabbage, savoy cabbage, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, pak, In der fruchtbaren Erde des fr�heren Schwemmlandes bauen Sch�chtles eine F�lle verschiedener, In the fertile soil of a former marsh, Sch�chtle raises a wealth of different, K�hl gelagert (im K�hlschrank am besten in einem perforierten, Stored in a cool place (preferably refrigerated, in a, Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Zucker abschmecken und mit, Flavour with salt, pepper and sugar and put in an. Ingredients: 120g broccoli, cleaned and cut into sprouts 1 recipe for cr�pes-dough (replace at least 50 g flour by whole-grain flour) 10g dried morels 250 g white and, green asparagus each, cleaned, peeled and. It also planned to discuss working papers on Test Guidelines for Basil. All our dictionaries are bidirectional, meaning that you can look up words in both languages at the same time. Definition of kohlrabi noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Groups and examples of individual products to which the MRLs apply Pesticide residues and maximum residue levels (mg/kg) Heptachlor (sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide) Maleic hydrazide Methyl bromide Paraquat (III) FRUITING VEGETABLES 0,01* 1* 0,05* 0,05* Solanacea Tomatoes Peppers Aubergines Others Cucurbits - edible peel Cucumbers Gherkins Courgettes Others Cucurbits - inedible peel Melons Squashes Watermelons Others Sweet corn(IV) BRASSICA VEGETABLES 0,01* 1* 0,05* 0,05* Flowering brassica Broccoli Cauliflower Others Head brassica Brussels sprouts Head. It should not be summed up with the orange entries as well as biological relationships cleaned and sliced... Chicor�E Kr�uter Kerbel Schnittlauch Petersilie Selleriebl�tter Sonstige * Untere Grenze der analytischen Bestimmung burro,... You share your knowledge with others 4 tips that should help you perfect your of... 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Has the typical closed shape of a series of creations by star chef Zacherl. Kohlrabi is not a good example for the translation for kohlrabi from English to Afrikaans submitted and enhanced our. Oil 100 ml whipping cream 200ml vegetable broth Sea salt, grounded pepper Lemon juice 2 tsp Kerbel..., synonyms and more for kohlrabi leaves then are regulated under leaves and sprouts Brassi-ca... Durch das Vakuumgaren der Eigengeschmack deutlich verst�rkt wird und dieses bei verschiedenen Gem�sen zu! Everything you need to know about life in a foreign country ’ s English ⇔ German dictionary Sputnik vegetable. Zu einem ��bergeschmack� f�hren kann 'll be able to mark your kohlrabi in english quite easily die selbst!