We love it because it’s so good at purifying air, but also love how dramatic and beautiful its shiny dark and yellow and lime-green stripes are. Plant Height: 35cm. But at home, Dracaena Lemon Lime hardly blooms. The pointed leaves also have … At home, you can grow Dracaena Lemon Lime 60-90 cm high. Height: 2-4 feet. Cutting the tips of the plant in spring can stimulate the plant to branch out and in consequence to take on a dense and bushy form. Lemon Surprise Dracaena (Dracaena fragrans ‘Lemon Surprise’) The variegated leaves of ‘Lemon Surprise’ dracaena are slightly twisted ‘Lemon Surprise’ dracaena plants have stunning variegated foliage in vibrant shades of lime green and darker green center with thin white stripes between them. It's the perfect plant for someone who may be away from home a lot or for someone who is looking for a home filled with plants but does not have too much time to provide care for them. Dracaena Lemon Lime does best when placed in an area where it receives medium to indirect bright light. … Over time it will grow into a small tree with a woody stem. The origin of the Dracaena is Africa, Central America and Asia. The tri-colored foliage of Dracaena 'Lemon lime' Is bright lime green with thin central stripes of cream and dark green. The plant is characterized by prominent corn-like green leaves, … ‘Lemon Surprise’ grows more compact than ‘Lemon Lime’. SKU: dll6 Category: Plants Tags: dracaena, medium light, neon. Genus name comes from the Greek word drakaina meaning a female dragon. This Song of India shows off dark green leaves and is similar to marginata variety but … Watering Dracaena Lemon Lime. Because Dracaena is a … Get Best Quote. This will protect the shrub from direct sunlight on the crown, otherwise the plant will get sunburn. Outwardly, it distantly resembles a palm tree due to the location and shape of the leaves, but these plants are not related. Dracaena Lemon Lime Care Size and Growth. Lemon Lime Dracaena Dracaena deremensis 'warneckii' Spyro comes from a big family of dragon trees. The frequency of feeding in summer is once a week, in winter - once a month. Choose the pot that is 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Toxic to pets if ingested. Light: The Dracaena can grow well in full to partial sunlight. The bare stem without any foliage attached may look harsh, but dracaena plants are very forgiving, and yours will soon produce more leaves. The Lemon Lime Dracaena is not a very labor intensive plant and is easy to care for. Leaf blight may also occur on these plants but is less common. The white flowers are more likely to blossom in summer if the plant receives full sun, but full sun may also prevent the foliage from developing its full color. It can grow up to 5-6 feet tall indoors. If the older leaves rapidly become yellow in quick succession, over-watering could be to blame. Get Best Quote. In other cases, you need to place the plant on the floor or on a stand near the window opening. Feel the soil of your plant once a week; if the top 1”-2” is dry then your plant is ready for a drink. Beena Nursery (P) Limited - Wholesaler of dracaena janet gold, dracaena lemon lime & cordyline little fi plant in … A … The ‘Janet Craig Compacta’ is smaller in appearance but has much smaller (less than 8 in.) In addition to a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.0‒6.0, which is optimal for Dracena, a neutral soil with a pH of 6.0‒7.0 is suitable for Lemon Lime. Your Dracaena Lemon Lime will tolerate low light but will thrive in medium to bright spots. Dracaena Lemon Lime is an excellent choice for home because of their bright colors in the leaves. The bright green, white and dark green variegated leaves are broad and arc slightly, creating a very graceful form. The Dracaena lemon lime is a beautiful Dracaena cultivar that makes an excellent plant for beginners because of its tolerance of some negligence and drought resistance. A cool microclimate is not suitable for the plant. Follow all label directions and recommendations, which may include diluting the product to half strength for dracaena plants. Then remove the soil from the pot, carefully check the roots for rot and if there is some - remove it. Lemon Lime is just one variety in a large group of hybrids within the Dracaena family. It is not … They form part of the asparagus family and they get their name from … It is a beautiful, small and … You're probably familiar with at least one variety of dracaena, commonly known as "corn plant." If the recommendations for care are violated and due to the development of pathological processes, the appearance of dracaena deteriorates: Prepare for Dracaena Lemon Lime a well-lit area of ​​southwest or southeast orientation. Dracaena Lemon lime is a sport of Dracaena deremensis that makes Lemon Lime related to Dracaena Janet Craig and Dracaena Warneckii. Florida Beauty. ADD TO BASKET Trustpilot. Once a week when soil is nearly dry 2" down. ), it doesn’t much matter to us here at PLANTZ. Song of India. Delivery information Add a free gift message Happiness Guaranteed. Dracaena Lemon Lime should be placed on the windowsill only if the windows face the north side. ’Warneckii’ features stiff leaves that are striped in gray, green, or white. Ask a Question about HousePlants/Gardening, Dracaena Compacta Plant – Complete Care Guide. Dracaena Lemon Lime is a staple architectural houseplant for any space. Drainage is required. The Dracaena Lemon Lime Plant, native to Africa, is a very close relative of the Dracaena Warneki (green and white striped leaves) and the Dracaena Janet Craigi (solid green leaves). Cordyline CTC Red & White Plant. In the future, shoots cut off during the formation of the crown (from the top of the shrub or part of the trunk) are used for plant propagation. This tropical indoor plant has beautifully wide, green leaves with lime-coloured edges, so you can have colour in the house all year round! The lemon lime is a medium-sized corn plant, growing up to 4’ to 6’ feet tall. Botanical Name: Dracaena reflexa. Houseplants in the Dracaena genus, like the endlessly popular Dracaena marginata, Dracaena ‘lemon-lime’ and ‘lucky bamboo’ are appreciated by houseplant lovers for their non-fussy nature and decorative looks. You’ll especially want to make sure any variegated Dracaena plants (like Dracaena ‘Tricolor’ and ‘Lemon-Lime’) have lots of light or they’ll lose their beautiful colors, with any new leaves they produce reverting back to a regular green. The plant is well adapted to indoor conditions, suitable for homes, offices, and public spaces. You should purchase a pot with a pallet and a perforated bottom - this will allow you to organize the removal of excess moisture. Known as the Lemon Lime Dragon Tree (Dracaena warneckii lemon lime), it grows best in medium light, out of direct sun, but can handle low-light, making it a perfect choice for greening up your desk and office. ‘Lemon Lime’ leaves (to 2’ long) are sword-shaped, featuring a mixture of cream, greenish-yellow and lime stripes. Dracaena fragrans Lemon Lime is an evergreen shrub or small tree. Height: 3-6 feet. Taking care of this indoor plant is a piece of cake! If the shrub is adult, it is better not to neglect the care tips so as not to lose the beauty and splendor that have been formed over the years. Gardeners in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12 can grow lemon-lime dracaena outdoors year-round as a perennial, but gardeners in other zones enjoy it as a houseplant. Get Best Quote. The Dracaena Lemon Lime has 12”-24” long sword shaped leaves with bright green and yellow stripes. In the summer, you need to water the plant more often - 2 times a week. It is enough to water Dracaena Lemon Lime once a week. Dracaena Lemon Lime $ 24.00. There are over 40 types of dracaena species, and you can easily prune all of them with a pair of garden shears and a few snips! Dracaenas have become popular for their reputation as one of the easiest-to-grow houseplants, offering many different heights and colors. She is also a former mortgage acquisition specialist for Freddie Mac in Atlanta, GA. Missouri Botanical Garden: Dracaena Fragrans (Dereminsis Group) 'Lemon Lime', University of Vermont Department of Plant and Soil Science: Easy Houseplants - Dracaena, University of Florida IFAS Extension: Disinfecting Your Garden Tools, Michigan State University: Fluoride Toxicity in Plants Irrigated with City Water. The Dracaena Lemon Lime has stiff shoots that grow straight up, each of them having a rosette of long (20-50 cm / 10-20 in) leaves at its top. It’s toxic to dogs and cats and may cause vomiting, lethargy and dilated pupils if ingested. The houseplant needs little maintenance, can be in the partial shade and is therefore very suitable for offices. If necessary, you can use a commercially available universal or palm substrate. The ongoing care for this plant isn’t labor intensive. According to the NASA Clean Air Study, the Dracaena fragrans Lemon Lime filters airborne toxins from the atmosphere. Remember that Dracaena Fragrans is toxic to both cats and dogs. These materials will help keep warm inside the package. After studying botany and microbiology at Clemson University, Blackstone was a University of Georgia Master Gardener Coordinator. The plant will need 5-10 years to reach the maximum height. Lemon-lime dracaena does not have a high fertility need, particularly if you use a potting mix that already contains a slow-release fertilizer. When the temperature drops to +10 °C or more, it is recommended to use a thermal bag. The Dracaena family are native to Africa, Central America and Asia. Planting & Growing. After purchase, dracaena should be repotted within the first weeks no matter what season it is. Slightly poisonous to dogs and … Dracaena ‘Lemon Lime’ One of the most popular plant categories for indoor décor is the Dracaena. Wanna know when the Dracaena Lemon Lime is back? This bright green foliage features lime and white stripes! They can also be grown as annuals in gardens where the winters are warm. The cultivars 'Lemon Lime', ‘Massangeana’, and 'Warneckei' bear the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. You don’t want the roots to stay too wet otherwise they’ll rot out. In rare cases, flowers still appear on Dracaena Lemon Lime when planted indoors, but only on plants in the greenhouse. Dracaena Lemon Lime is a kind of Dracaena Fragrans. leaves. With a lack of sunlight, its variegated foliage quickly loses its decorative properties. Propagation. In addition to a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.0‒6.0, which is optimal for Dracena, a neutral soil … The typical form of Dracaena Lemon Lime growth is a branched shrub. Though showy, this lucky bamboo relative requires very little care to maintain its attractive appearance. Water: Watering … Here are the 2 reasons I repotted my Dracaena Lemon Lime: roots were appearing out of the drain holes, and it was long overdue for some fresh soil mix. Yellowing lower leaves (closest to soil) could be a sign of over-watering, but equally is a byproduct of maturity. Although "Lemon-Lime" dracaena plants can produce blooms, they flower rarely as potted plants. A low maintenance plant originating from Madagascar, the Lemon Lime variety is one of our favourites. See more about pets and the effect toxins have here at the ASPCA. If the older leaves rapidly become yellow in quick succession, over-watering could be to blame. When young the plant is small and it looks like a small bush. Sunlight may also burn the leaves, so keep your plant out of direct sun in a location where it receives bright, indirect light. Generally moderate watering, in the growth period that runs from March to August a little more as in … Position: prefers light shade, but close to a window; Soil: good potting compost; Rate of growth: average to fast; Hardiness: tender (indoors only) Current height: approximately 170cm (including pot) Pot cover: includes a 30cm … An added bonus ‘Lemon Lime’ is an efficient air filter, removing harmful chemicals from the air. With arching leaves in tones of lime green and white and distinctive stems; this Dracaena brings a lot to the table with little input from you as a grower. Lemon-lime dracaena is not threatened by any serious diseases or insect pests, but its leaf margins may turn brown in response to fluoride toxicity and excessive fertilizer. Dracaena Lemon lime is a sport of Dracaena deremensis that makes Lemon Lime related to Dracaena Janet Craig and Dracaena Warneckii. Dracaena Lemon-lime has green leaves that have a yellow and light green stripe. It is often referred to as Dracaena fragrans, Corn plant. The Dracaena is also called the Dragon Blood Tree and is an easy to care houseplant. Cordyline My Darling. Allow top 50% of soil to dry out prior to watering. Lemon Lime Dracaena is a racy, brightly striped foliage houseplant. Get 1 Free Product Today All India Delivery Lowest prices. Dracaena fragrans is propagated by cutting segments of old stems 10–20 cm (3.9–7.9 in) long, drying them, and then inserting them into moist sand until they root. Sometimes, in the place of the old leaf … Side shoots/branches begin to form on mature … His two-toned leaves spiral outwards, giving you a beautiful display of foliage from wherever he sits. Credit: Peter Krumhardt Lucky Bamboo Dracaena sanderiana is not a bamboo at all, but rather a dracaena with a pliable stem that is often woven into elaborate shapes. To preserve the brightness of color and a healthy appearance, provide the plant with proper care: maintain the temperature and humidity at the proper level and regulate the intensity of light. Repotting should be done in March, when the period of active plant growth begins. An exotic looking wonder, it features long green leaves highlighted with yellow and white. ‘Lemon Surprise’ has shorter leaves, by 6 inches, with a more curly leaf-edge. This is another beautiful variety of Deremensis; It features 1-2 feet long corn-like green leaves with white-yellow stripes and gray-green center. Soil: likes fast … Allow top 50% of soil to dry out prior to watering. Fluoride is also a component of many fertilizers that contain superphosphate, so steer clear of this fertilizer component. After the purchase, bring Dracaena Lemon Lime home, while taking into account the air temperature outside, since dracaena is a tropical plant and does not tolerate cold weather. The recommended distance from windows facing south or east is 1-2 m. In an insufficiently lit place, the leaves of Dracaena Lemon Lime lose their brightness. But if the plant is constantly located in a room where the humidity is about 90% or more, there is a risk of rot and mold. WATER Water your Dracaena when it appears the pot is getting dry, about once every 7-10 days. WATER Water your Dracaena when it appears the pot is getting dry, about once every 7-10 days. Plant Info & Care. Dracaenas do well in fluorescent to bright, indirect light to maintain their striking colors. The height when grown indoors is usually 60‒90 cm, in rare specimens 150‒300 cm. This leads to a decrease in the decorative qualities of the flower. Without cutting, this plant hardly ever branches out at all. At the last stage, fill the pot with new soil. "In comparison with the well-known Dracaena cultivar ‘Lemon Lime’ (unpatented). D. deremensis, rarely grown in the form of the basic species, How to Get a Philodendron Selloum to Grow Fast. ✔ We Released The Dracaena HandBook The soil should be loose, light and nutritious, neutral or slightly acidic. Before watering dracaena with water straight from your kitchen faucet, draw the water into a container and let the container sit overnight for the fluoride gas to dissipate into the air. Slightly poisonous to dogs and … 8. Unfortunately, contrary to its sister, Compacta, the cultivar Lemon Lime branches out more rarely. Grower's Tips . Temperature. If these conditions are not met, the crown will have a sloppy shape and the growth of the dracaena may slow down even more. Dracaenas have beautiful colors and patterns and are popular as houseplants. Place the plant in the center of the new pot. Commonly grown as both a houseplant or tropical landscape plant. Dragon Plant 'Lemon Lime', Corn Plant ' Lemon Lime', Striped Dracaena Winner of the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society Grows up to 5-10 ft. tall (150-300 cm) and 3-5 ft. wide (90-150 cm). Generally, you’ll fertilize your plant when it’s actively growing in spring and summer and reduce or withhold fertilizer during fall and winter. The matures Massangeana plant will always look full and profuse. By attending to a few cultural details, even beginning gardeners can grow this plant with ease. 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