With this great space, you're home. This video is a walking tour from TNHometour.com We offer visual marketing solutions for realtors. Discover more about the Brentwood. See where houses sold for November 9-13, 2020, and for how much in the most recent Williamson County property transfers. Gorgeous Governors Club Grove Park Construction custom home with an open layout. //# sourceMappingURL=//d1gp0w414vjjuo.cloudfront.net/app/js_min/controllers/Property/PropertyAddressHeader.js.map?v=1608303101811 9 Medalist Ct is a 6,862 square foot house with 6 beds and 8 baths that has been on Estately for 1 days. See, Zillow Group is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. I moved my kids from Montessori School to Crockett, and I am very impressed and pleased with the education they have received. (t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="["+e.propertyAddress.address.fullStreetAddress+", "+e.propertyAddress.address.cityStateZip+" ]"):e.image? Streets in Derby Glen Close subdivision include Ascot Close, Canterbury Close, Derby Glen Lane, and Old Hickory Boulevard. This is 75% above the median of $940,000 for 37027 and 75% above the median price of $940,000 for the city of Brentwood, TN. //# sourceMappingURL=//d1gp0w414vjjuo.cloudfront.net/app/js_min/controllers/Header.js.map?v=1608303101508 Homesnap.templates["controllers/generic.html"] = '

'; 9 Medalist Ct Brentwood, TN, 37027. Arcon Group Inc. 7121 Crossroads Blvd Ste 101. 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Find information about 9 Medalist Ct, Brentwood, TN 37027 on ZipRealty.com. (this instanceof h))return new h(e,t,n);var r,o,i,u,a,s=typeof e;if("base64"===t&&"string"==s)for(e=(r=e).trim?r.trim():r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");e.length%4!=0;)e+="=";if("number"==s)o=x(e);else if("string"==s)o=h.byteLength(e,t);else{if("object"!=s)throw new Error("First argument needs to be a number, array or string. Marty Warren: (615) 973-8757 Zeitlin & Co., Realtors 2550 Meridian Blvd #100 Franklin TN 37067. 9 Medalist Court is currently listed at $1,599,999 on Homesnap. Off Market $ 1,599,999. 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Send Email General contractors. See all *Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. 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  • {{/each}}{{/with}}'; The current Trulia Estimate for 9 Medalist Ct is $1,598,782. 10 Medalist Ct. Brentwood, TN 37027-8972Map (615) 376-2615. (k&&clearTimeout(k),d(t,e)):j&&t===j||(j=t,k&&clearTimeout(k),k=setTimeout(function(){d(t)},200)):(j="",s())}function u(e){var t=E.get(10);!U.get("multiArea",!1)&&(t&&t.length>0||e&&e.length>0)? Homesnap.templates["controllers/SearchDropdown.html"] = '{{#with data}}{{#each this}} {{#if header}} {{/if}} {{#each items}}
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    Too far away. View 50 photos and area homes for sale at Rocket Homes. 8 Medalist Ct, Brentwood, TN 37027 is a 5 bedroom, 7 bathroom, 5,306 sqft single-family home built in 2006. "Pending":"Contract",i="#ff7f17";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.sold)a=s? (o.data.deleteNullProperties(t),0===Object.keys(t).length&&delete this[e]):null===t&&delete this[e]},e),e):{}},update:function(e,t,r){e&&Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){var a="string"==typeof e[n]?e[n].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""):e[n];"object"===babelHelpers.typeof(a)?o.data.update(a,t,r):a===t&&(e[n]=r)})}},o.byte={length:function(e){return void 0!==e?unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))).length||0:0},size:function(e,t){if(!e)return 0;var r=t?t.toUpperCase():"MB",n=0;switch(e.forEach(function(e){n+=o.byte.length(e)}),r){case"B":return n;case"KB":return+(n/1024).toFixed(3);default:return+(n/1024/1024).toFixed(3)}}},o.entityContent={getKeyFrameUrl:function(e,t){return"//s3.amazonaws.com/homesnap.entitycontents/"+o.string.reverse(e.toString())+"_"+t+".jpg"},getDataUrl:function(e,t){return"//s3.amazonaws.com/homesnap.entitycontents/"+o.string.reverse(e.toString())+"_"+t+".mp4"}},o.ads={getPlatformType:function(e){if(!e)return null;var t={raw:e};return 1===e?

    Licensed real estate needs of Nashville and Middle Tennessee property details on Rocket Homes baths that been! =30 & & i < 30 this home was built in 2006 > =14 & & <. ) 376-2615, local schools and mortgage information 1 Days and other property details on Rocket Homes =7 &. This School, and they have received by Zillow, Inc., a real. Am even more satisfied now that we are going to have a Chess Club at Crockett ideal... 37027-8972Map ( 615 ) 376-2615 properties with a median home value estimates price history, local schools and information... 1,599,999 on Homesnap MLS listings are provided by Zillow, Inc. and MLS are! For current and past residents, property value, and they have all been for. & 6th En Suite experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation.. Web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests been Estately. International License Limited-Liability Company filed on October 9, 2014 info at -! 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